Monday, May 26, 2008

May Activities

Spring has arrived and so to has a number of outdoor activities. Manitoba Marathon training is well underway at lunch hours and involves students from grades 3 to 6. Our track and field meet took place on May 22nd and went very well involving students from SFX, Elm Creek, St. Eustache and St. Laurent schools. Thanks to all those parents who helped out.
Students in grades 5 and 6 will be participating in a tennis baseball tournament at St. Eustache on Wednesday, June 4th. Tabloid day for students in grades 1 to 5 will take place on Wednesday, June 18th. The Manitoba Marathon will happen on Sunday, June 15th and good luck to all those runners. This should bring an end to the activities for this school year. I hope that everyone has a safe and restful summer.