Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March Activities

Dear Parents, Students, and Guardians,

Well hopefully winter is coming to a quick end. I think many of us have experienced a lot of cabin fever over the last couple months. January and February were very busy with a number of activities taking place both at school and off the school site. March has a number of these activities coming to an end.
After school floor hockey which was taking place on Mondays and Thursdays will come to an end on March 17 th. Floor hockey intramurals for students in grades 1 through 6 are still on but should end either just before or after Spring Break.
The month of March brings with it the curling Brier in which our students in grades 4 , 5, and 6 were lucky enough to be selected to attend on the 10th of the month. Students in grades 6 also participated in a learn to curl program at the end of February.
Hopefully everyone has a relaxing Spring Break and has a chance to recharge the batteries over that time off.